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Table 4 Survey responses from students who did not attend any lectures

From: No apparent association between lecture attendance or accessing lecture recordings and academic outcomes in a medical laboratory science course

If you did not attend lectures, why not?

n = 25, rp = 22

I don’t like the lecture time – it was too early

17 (77%)

Too far to travel for lecture

11 (50%)

When assessment tasks were due, they took preference over lecture attendance

11 (50%)

I had too few timetabled classes that day and didn’t want to come in for just those

9 (41%)

Other personal commitments made it difficult to get to lectures

8 (36%)

Work commitments made it difficult to get to lectures

8 (36%)

I don’t consider the lecturer adds to the material given on the PowerPoints

5 (23%)

I don’t like the lecture theatre environment

3 (14%)

Prefer online learning environment

1 (5%)

If you did not attend lectures, why did you access the recordings instead of attending lectures

n = 25, rp = 25

I didn’t like the lecture time – it was too early

22 (88%)

When assessment tasks were due, they took preference over lecture attendance

14 (56%)

I had too few timetables classes that day and didn’t want to come in for just those

12 (48%)

Too far to travel for lectures

12 (48%)

Work commitments made it difficult to get to lectures

9 (36%)

Other personal commitments made it difficult to get to lectures

8 (32%)

I prefer the flexibility of online recordings

6 (24%)

I don’t like the lecture theatre environment

4 (16%)

I don’t consider the lecturer adds to the material given on the PowerPoints

4 (16%)

I chose to rely on cramming the lecture material at the end of semester using the lecture recordings

2 (8%)

Prefer online learning environments

1 (4%)

  1. n is the number of students in this group, rp is the number of responders in the group
  2. Answers are number of responding students (group percentage)