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Table 1 Tutor’s SOAP and fluidity evaluation tables

From: Patients’ and tutors’ evaluations of medicine students’ consultations in general practice/family medicine in Coimbra

Student’s characteristics to be observed and marked

No (0)

Yes, no lapses (3)

Yes with lapses (2)

1Student presents himself


2 Reason for encounter in the eyes of the patient


3 The reason for encounter is clear for both student and patient


4 There are clear annotations of what the patient said


5 There are annotations of the physical exam according to patient’s complaints


6 There is an evaluation with explanation of the problem or problems to deal with


7 There is a general explanation of the plan


8 There is a clear register of the information provided during the consultation


Characteristics of the consultation fluence

Total (4)

Intermediate (2)

Low (1)

Security in the consultation process

Flowing from S to O to A to P (SOAP)

Technical rigor (language and gestures)


  1. Note: 5th year: S = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 60%; O = 5 = 15%; A = 6 = 5%; P = 7 + 8 = 20% of the mark
  2. Fluidity as the sum of marks