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Table 2 Interview questions and checklist

From: Development of an e-learning prototype for assessing occupational stress-related disorders: a qualitative study

Perceived usefulness

 1. Does this e-learning programme support you in determining OSRDs and in initiating preventative actions? Why?

 2. Do you perceive this e-learning programme as useful? Why?


 1. Is it practically feasible to complete this e-learning programme? Why?

  • Ask about perceived usefulness per step (perhaps elaborate “diagnosing”, “establishing the cause” and “prevention” more thoroughly).

  • Practical applicability

  • Sufficient/missing information

  • Comprehensibility/difficulty of steps

  • Structure

  • Perceived usefulness of cases

  • Extra sources of information needed?

  • Lay-out

  • Time

  • Recertification

  • Previous knowledge

  • Inviting

  • Language