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Table 4 Practical steps for promoting learner autonomy

From: Learning to drive: resident physicians’ perceptions of how attending physicians promote and undermine autonomy

What to do

What to avoid

 • Clear communication regarding roles and responsibility

 • Encourage patient ownership

 • Actively promote RP decision making

 • Collaborate with RPs in decision making

 • Be sensitive to team dynamics and hierarchy

 • Allow case presentation without interruption

 • Challenge RP to think independently

 • Remain open to RP input

 • Provide evidence for alternative approaches

 • Graduated independence

 • Allow RP space to work

 • Provide opportunities for independent activity

• Having a predetermined course of action

• Interrupting case presentations

• Not asking RP for care plan and thought process

• Changing care plans without RP involvement or knowledge

• Constant presence in RP work area

• Imposing personal management style