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Table 2 General qualitative descriptions of grades in Norwegian higher education

From: Learning with technology in physiotherapy education: design, implementation and evaluation of a flipped classroom teaching approach

Letter grades

Criteria used in the assessment of examinations.

A – Excellent

An excellent performance, clearly outstanding. The candidate demonstrates excellent judgement and a high degree of independent thinking

B – Very good

A very good performance. The candidate demonstrates sound judgement and a very good degree of independent thinking.

C – Good

A good performance in most areas. The candidate demonstrates a reasonable degree of judgement and independent thinking in the most important areas.

D – Satisfactory

A satisfactory performance, but with significant shortcomings. The candidate demonstrates a limited degree of judgement and independent thinking.

E – Sufficient

A performance that meets the minimum criteria, but no more. The candidate demonstrates a very limited degree of judgement and independent thinking.

F – Fail

A performance that does not meet the minimum academic criteria. The candidate demonstrates an absence of both judgement and independent thinking.