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Table 2 Pre- and Post-Intervention Survey Responses

From: The impact of a fellow-driven debriefing program after pediatric cardiac arrests

Survey Item

Pre-Intervention (%)

Post-Intervention (%)

p value

My role in the PICU is:

PICU Attending/Fellow

16 (11)

17 (16)


Hospitalist/Nurse Practitioner

7 (5)

7 (7)


Pediatric Resident

37 (26)

26 (25)


Respiratory Therapist

7 (5)

10 (10)



78 (54)

45 (43)


I (strongly agree/agree) it is important to have a formal debriefing after an arrest

111 (79)

86 (90)


I (disagree/strongly disagree) that I would feel uncomfortable participating in a debriefing after an arrest

107 (78)

84 (88)


I (strongly agree/agree) that I am satisfied with the amount of debriefing I’ve experienced after arrests

18 (14)

55 (57)

< 0.01

When I have observed debriefings following an arrest, specific learning points were identified and discussed during the debriefing (all of the time/frequently)

43 (32)

60 (62)

< 0.01

When I have observed debriefings following an arrest, specific learning points were subsequently disseminated to the rest of the PICU staff who did not participate in the arrest (all of the time/frequently)

5 (4)

11 (11)


I (strongly agree/agree) the experience of debriefing has resulted in potential changes to my practice for future arrests

60 (46)

64 (67)

< 0.01

I (strongly agree/agree) debriefing after arrests should be standard practice

96 (73)

91 (95)

< 0.01

  1. The number of responders to each individual question varied. Pre-Intervention Survey n range: 131 to 145; Post-Intervention Survey n range: 95 to 105