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Table 1 Description of Post-Intervention Cardiac Arrest Characteristics

From: The impact of a fellow-driven debriefing program after pediatric cardiac arrests

Cardiac Arrest Characteristic

Post-Intervention Cardiac Arrests n (%)

Age, yearsa

1.9 (0.5–7.0)

Gender, Male

36 (48)

Time of Day


29 (39)


20 (27)


26 (35)



24 (32)


34 (45)


17 (23)

Cardiac Disease

42 (56)

Attending Present at Arrest (n = 69)

58 (84)

Nurse to Patient Ratio (n = 65)


51 (78)


14 (22)

Maximum Arrest Team Size (n = 64)


6 (9)


36 (56)


14 (22)


8 (13)

Airway Placed During Arrest (n = 73)


21 (29)

 Already in place

51 (70)


1 (1)

Duration of CPR, min.a (n = 74)

11 (4–39)

Defibrillation during CPR

11 (15)

Duration of Debriefing, min.a (n = 57)

20 (15–20)

Delays in Care (n = 61)

21 (34)

Preventable Event (n = 58)

7 (12)

  1. A total of seventy-five cardiac arrests were analyzed. The arrest characteristics with incomplete data sets are indicated above with specific n values
  2. aMedian (IQR)