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Table 2 Factor loadings and communalities based on a principal components analysis with Varimax rotation for 33 items from the questionnaire and the Cronbach alpha of each scale

From: How postgraduate trainees from different health professions experience the learning climate within an operating theater: a mixed-methods study

Rotated Component Matrixa










1. Supervisor Roles (α = 0.89)

 32. My supervisors are all in their own way positive role models



 34. When I need to consult a supervisor, they are readily available



 28. My supervisors are happy to discuss patient care



 29. There is (are) NO supervisor(s) who have a negative impact on the educational climate



 31. My supervisors treat me with respect



 33. When I need a supervisor, I can always contact one



 27. My supervisors take time to explain things when asked for advice



2. Independent practice (α = 0.89)

 45. I have the opportunity to acquire the appropriate practical procedures for my level of training




 44. I have an appropriate level of clinical responsibility




 42. I feel responsible and accountable for the care given to my patients




 41. There is a clinical training programme here that allows me to get first-hand experience in a range of procedures




 40. I am clear about the learning objectives of the theatre teaching session




 43. I am aware of my professional role in the theatre




3. Assessment & Evaluation (α = 0.87)

 13. My supervisors take the initiative to evaluate my performance




 14. My supervisors take the initiative to evaluate difficult situations I have been involved in




 12. My supervisors take the initiative to explain their actions




 16. My supervisors assess not only my medical expertise but also other skills such as teamwork, organization or professional behavior




 11. I am asked on a regular basis to provide a rationale for my management decisions and actions




 15. My supervisors evaluate whether my performance in patient care is commensurate with my level of training




4. Interprofessional collaboration (α = 0.88)

 2. The people I work with are friendly




 1. I have good collaboration with theater staff




 3. The atmosphere in theatre is pleasant




 6. I feel part of a team in theatre




 8. Other allied health professionals make a positive contribution to my training




 7. Attendings, nursing staff, other allied health professionals and residents work together as a team




 9. Other allied health professionals are willing to reflect with me on the delivery of patient care




 10. Teamwork is an integral part of my training




5. Feedback forms (α = 0.94)

 19. Observation forms (i.e., Mini-CEX) are used periodically to monitor my progress




 18. Observation forms (i.e., Mini-CEX) are used to structure feedback




6. Presence of negative attitudes towards student (α = 0.62)

 4. The staff from other discipline dislike it when I practice my skills as the procedure takes longer*




 5. I feel discriminated against in theatre because of my sex*




7. Personal well-being of student (α = 0.64)

 39. I am so stressed in theatre that I do not learn as much as I could*



 38. I am often too tired to get the most out of theatre teaching*



  1. Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
  2. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization
  3. aRotation converged in 16 iterations.
  4. Factor loading < 0.4 are suppressed.
  5. Items with * have negative phrasing were recoded before the statistical analysis