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Table 5 Relative progression of non-standard entry, school leaver entry and graduate entry students from levels 3 to 6

From: Relative progress and academic performance of graduate vs undergraduate entrants to an Australian medical school


Non-standard entry (N = 148)

School leaver entry (N = 865)

Graduate entry (N = 410)

P value

Withdrawal from the course

6 (4.1%)

18 (2.1%)

20 (4.9%)


Academic withdrawal

4 (2.7%)

8 (0.9%)

7 (1.7%)


Non-academic withdrawal

2 (1.4%)

10 (1.2%)

13 (3.2%)


At least one supplementary

27 (18.2%)

126 (14.6%)

50 (12.2%)


At least one repeat year

12 (8.1%)

19 (2.2%)

13 (3.2%)


At least one leave of absence

34 (23.0%)

201 (23.2%)

43 (10.5%)

< 0.001

  1. P values are from logistic regression models with the predictor variable ‘entry category’ and school leaver entry as the reference category, in a model adjusting for mode of entry (quarantined / non-quarantined) and gender as fixed factors