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Table 4 Themes and sub-themes likely to explain responses to questions about communication and dissemination of information

From: Implementing an initiative promote evidence-informed practice: part 2—healthcare professionals’ perspectives of the evidence rounds programme



Sample Quote


Modes of delivery


“The laminated posters definitely for me were excellent because when you’re busy in the clinical area they stand out on a notice board to you.”

Nurse/Midwife B

“the posters are good as well. A lot of people are very visual in terms of taking in information. And if they can see something they go, oh right okay yeah, yeah I must remember to go to that meeting. I think a printed sign is useless. I think you need to have some kind of a picture on it. Because people are drawn to images and pictures and bright colours.”

Physician E


“it’s different if, for some staff like us, we’re emailing all the time with work so our emails are coming through to our mobile phone. But the nurses that wouldn’t be the case, they wouldn’t have personal emails for work. So they’re not going to get them.”

Nurse/Midwife E

“I think email is probably the number one way of communication with people nowadays.”

Physician D

“it’s trying to reach them appropriately because emails. .. . to the wards only goes to the managers. So it’s how good they are at sharing information and or prioritising it”

Nurse/Midwife G


“was great and it’s very, it’s lovely, it’s a very easy to use and easy to navigate website so yeah I found it useful (. ..) it was good to see the other talks and I kind of would just have a little look through again.”

Nurse/Midwife G

“I think it’s a really good go-to place, a good repository then just to access the information.”

Physician E

“I think it’s fantastic what you put about analysing articles. .. I would think you know oh my god, what is this, what is important in this or not? So I think this is very, very nice and useful that you put it that way yeah.”

Physician B

“I would not be a typical person. .. because I am not really the most enthusiastic researcher.”

Physician C

Word of mouth

“I think to be honest for me as a practitioner trying to encourage people to attend, going around on the day and reminding people was the thing that actually worked the best.”

Nurse/Midwife G

Mobile technologies and work life boundaries

“one of our professional issues we set for ourselves is no use of mobile phones in the work place.”

Nurse/Midwife B

“I think there needs to be very strict boundaries within which WhatsApp would work. I think your group is going to constantly change. So you may be missing out people who would otherwise attend it. You may be constantly texting people who may need to be removed from the group [.. .] some people get very annoyed if they’re on a day off, or if they’re not working a shift and they’re constantly getting these alerts.”

Physician E

“you have to be very careful or they’ll opt out very quickly.” [WhatsApp groups]

Nurse/Midwife E

Communication and dissemination strategy considerations

Multiple reminders

“unfortunately, some medical people, like kids you really have to push them and nag them to get something, you know. .. .. who is going to present? Who is going to present? Who is coming? Who is coming?”

Physician C

“And we kept, at any meetings we had we kept saying the next topic is on. .. . make sure you’re on that day. And in the morning beforehand, going around saying 'Don’t forget now, make sure you go to that today'.”

Nurse/Midwife A

Organisational issues

“that’s one of the great challenges, it is, within our organisation, to try and share information.”

Nurse/Midwife G

Multiple formats

“I think you can’t really do it just one particular way.”

Physician E