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Table 2 Changes in confidence in writing prescriptions for common conditions

From: A pilot study of a pharmacist-led prescribing program for final-year medical students


Percentage rating as fully confident/confident in most cases (n)1


Selecting medicines

Writing prescriptions

Monitoring for efficacy







Night time sedation

13% (2)

69% (11)

13% (2)

81% (13)

19% (3)

88% (14)


19% (3)

100% (16)

13% (2)

100% (16)

38% (6)

94% (15)

Managing diabetes

13% (2)

81% (13)

6% (1)

75% (12)

38% (6)

100% (16)

Pain management3

19% (3)

94% (15)

19% (3)

88% (14)

38% (6)

94% (15)

Managing constipation

31% (5)

75% (12)

13% (2)

94% (15)

50% (8)

100% (16)

Managing hypertension

13% (2)

75% (12)

6% (1)

88% (14)

50% (8)

94% (15)

Managing asthma

38% (6)

81% (13)

13% (2)

81% (13)

38% (6)

88% (14)

Managing nausea and vomiting3

25% (4)

88% (14)

13% (2)

81% (13)

44% (7)

88% (14)

  1. 1. Students rating as either ‘Confident in most cases but would like more experience’ or ‘Fully confident in most cases’
  2. 2. All results p < 0.05 based on permutation test across the four rating categories compared to baseline
  3. 3. Topics that were the focus of the prescribing program