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Table 5 Effects of work engagement for both patient care, classroom and clinical teaching on job crafting in patient care (bold indicates findings with p < 0.05), full cases

From: Faculty’s work engagement in patient care: impact on job crafting of the teacher tasks

Job crafting in patient care

Work engagement with classroom teaching

Work engagement with clinical teaching

Combined with…

Combined with…

… only patient care

… clinical teaching and patient care

… only patient care

… classroom teaching and patient care

Std. coef. (95% CI)

Std. coef. (95% CI)

Std. coef. (95% CI)

Std. coef. (95% CI)

Seeking social resources

ß −0.183 (− 0.407–0.041)

ß −0.016 (− 0.089–0.057)

ß −0.122 (− 0.290–0.045)

ß 0.048 (− 0.083–0.180)

Seeking structural resources

ß −0.113 (− 0.248–0.023)

ß − 0.081 (− 0.160 - -0.002)

ß −0.040 (− 0.144–0.064)

ß 0.094 (− 0.029–0.216)

Seeking challenges

ß − 0.236 (− 0.398 - -0.075

ß −0.015 (− 0.103–0.073)

ß 0.206 (0.031–0.381)

ß 0.131 (0.000–0.263)

Avoiding hindrances

ß − 0.503 (− 0.749 - -0.258)

ß 0.019 (−0.020–0.058)

ß 0.025 (− 0.084–0.134)

ß −0.034 (− 0.101–0.033)