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Table 3 Overview of themes and sub-themes

From: Undergraduate medical education in Sierra Leone: a qualitative study of the student experience

Theme 1. Medical school experiences

 1.1 Stressful and tedious

 1.2 Interesting and enjoyable

Theme 2. Medical school capacity

 2.1 Human capacity

  2.1.1 Number of teaching staff

  2.1.2 Time dedicated to teaching

  2.1.3 Teaching skills of staff

 2.2 Organisational capacity

  2.2.1 Departmental differences in organisational capacity

  2.2.2 Curriculum related challenges

 2.3 Physical capacity

  2.3.1 Impact of civil war on the campus and teaching hospitals

  2.3.2 Travel to and from the campus

  2.3.3 Facilities at the campus and teaching hospitals

  2.3.4 Learning resources

  2.3.5 Teaching aids and medical equipment

 2.4 Financial capacity

  2.4.1 Remunerations for teaching staff

  2.4.2 Scholarships for students

Theme 3. Medical school culture

 3.1 Culture of fear

  3.1.1 Fear of teaching staff during bedside and classroom teaching

  3.1.2 Fear of failure during exams and assessments

 3.2 Culture of perceived unfairness

  3.2.1 Rumours of impartiality in scholarships

  3.2.2 Perceptions of favouritism in class and examination

Theme 4. Coping strategies

 4.1 School level

  4.1.1 ‘Creatively’ hire extra teaching staff

  4.1.2 Base teaching schedule upon availability of teaching staff

 4.2 Staff level

  4.2.1 Juggle of multiple roles

  4.2.2 Teach flexibly

 4.3 Student level

  4.3.1 Comply with ‘hidden’ rules

  4.3.2 Negotiate teaching support from less qualified health personnel

  4.3.3 Get by with self- directive learning

  4.3.4 Cooperate with other students

  4.3.5 Student union acting as advocate for students

  4.3.6 Rely on financial and moral support from family and friends