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Table 1 Research Questions and Methodology

From: Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander cultural educators and cultural mentors in Australian general practice education

Research Questions

Methodology/ Data collection methods

Stakeholders consulted/ interviewed

Understanding Cultural Education and Mentoring

 1. What is currently understood to be cultural education?

Literature review.

Survey, interviews and focus groups

All stakeholders comprising:

Training organisations, Indigenous Health Training Posts including Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, CE and CM network, the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation and its State and Territory Affiliates, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, Australian Indigenous Doctors Association, Indigenous General Practice Registrar Network.

 2. What is currently understood to be cultural mentoring?

 3. What practices are currently used to establish positive relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities? What is needed to engage and establish partnerships?

Survey and interviews

Current Capacity and Roles

 4. When are CEs and CMs employed or engaged in the development, delivery and evaluation of General Practice training?

Survey and interviews

Training organisations, Indigenous Health Training Posts including Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, CE and CM network, the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation and its State and Territory Affiliates

 6. How are CEs and CMs remunerated?

 7. Do GP training organisations have formal policies in place in relation to supporting CEs and CMs?

 8. Are CEs and CMs provided with opportunities to participate in professional and cultural support and development?

 9. Do general practice training organisations run cultural education activities for staff, including Medical Educators and GP Supervisors?

 10. Are Registrars required to prepare for working in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities?

Review curricula for Registrar training, survey and interviews.

Training organisations, Indigenous Health Training Posts including Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, CE and CM network, the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation and its State and Territory Affiliates, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine

 11. Are Registrars required to undertake formal cultural awareness training during general practice training?

 12. How is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health incorporated into current General Practice education and training practices?

Survey and interviews.

Training organisations, Indigenous Health Training Posts including Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, CE and CM network, the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation and its State and Territory Affiliates

 13. Are there formal processes for feedback on cultural education and/or cultural mentoring activities?

Survey and interviews

 14. Are there feedback mechanisms for Registrars who undertake an Indigenous health training placement, and vice-versa?

Survey and interviews

Needs Assessment

 15. What is needed to build sustainable cultural education and cultural mentoring capacity to meet Registrar training needs?

Literature review

Survey and interviews.

All stakeholders (as above).

 16. What is needed to build partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities to sustain Registrar training?

Focus groups and interviews