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Table 3 Topic guide including questions

From: Developing a digital communication training tool on information-provision in oncology: uncovering learning needs and training preferences

Topic 1. Learning need questions

Topic 2. Training preference questions

What is the greatest challenge encountered while informing patients about treatment?

How much time is spent on training (on and off the job)?

When thinking about informing patients specifically about treatment, what do you aim to achieve and how do you evaluate this?

Do you have experience with digital training modules?

What is the most difficult case you have encountered in daily practice with respect to this topic?

What is your view on these training modules (digital vs. classical)?

In daily practice, do you notice that given information is not recalled by patients?

What should be taken into account when developing a new (digital) training with respect to effective information-provision?

Have you observed ineffective communication skills of colleagues while informing patients?

How would you evaluate progress during the training?

Do you think that healthcare professionals should be trained in effective information-provision?

What would be facilitating factors to participate in a (digital) training module?

What would you like to learn regarding effective information-provision?

What are potential barriers to participate in a (digital) training module?