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Table 3 Definition and examples of non-clinical attributes expected of graduating students at the University of Colorado, School of Medicine

From: Identification of foundational non-clinical attributes necessary for successful transition to residency: a modified Delphi study with experienced medical educators



Representative Examples

Communication Skills

Collect and convey information in order to create and sustain relationships with others in a contextually appropriate manner.

i. Employ appropriate non-verbal communication/body language

ii. Develop and use relationship building skills

iii. Give effective oral presentations

iv. Create effective written communication

v. Demonstrate active listening

Critical Thinking

Develop and use a process of thinking that incorporates information, seeks factual and contextual validity, and uses this knowledge to determine a best course of action.

i. Employ effective, developmentally appropriate clinical reasoning (i.e., generating an appropriate initial list of differential diagnoses based on the patient’s presenting signs and symptoms; modifying the initial list to reflect the information gleaned from the history, physical examination, and standard laboratory tests; identifying appropriate additional tests or historical information needed to reach the diagnosis; and determining when the information obtained is sufficient to make a provisional or a final diagnosis and to justify beginning therapy.)

ii. Generate and convey a systematic approach to solving a problem

iii. Raise questions regarding assumptions made by self or others

iv. Consider conclusions in relation to context

v. Justify and assess a range of possible answers

Emotional Intelligence

Accurately recognize and understand one’s own emotions and those of others, using this information to guide future behavior.

i. Recognize and monitor the importance of non-verbal communication

ii. Understand and control reactions to the behaviors and emotions of others

iii. Recognize and monitor the impact of emotions on decision making

iv. Display empathy by understanding and appreciating the feelings, emotions, and perspectives of others

v. Maintain healthy emotional boundaries

vi. Strive to understand differing perspectives

Ethical Behavior

Demonstrate a commitment to just principles pertaining to patient autonomy and professional responsibilities.

i. Display honesty and truthfulness

ii. Accept and acknowledge personal error

iii. Document and report clinical information truthfully

iv. Uphold confidentiality of patient information

v. Use principles of informed consent

Intellectual Curiosity

Possess an intrinsic motivation to investigate, understand and apply knowledge.

i. Have a desire to know details, context and the broader picture

ii. Have an open mind to alternatives

iii. Incorporate and synthesize new and existing knowledge

iv. Take advantage of learning opportunities

Organizational Skills

Prioritize and accomplish tasks in an efficient and effective manner.

i. Exhibit conscientious attention to details in all tasks

ii. Demonstrate the ability to focus on the task at hand

iii. Demonstrate adaptability and flexibility to complete a process or set of tasks

iv. Appropriately prioritize and complete assigned work within time constraints


Moderate negative effects of stress, promote adaptation, and successfully cope with change or adversity

i. Moderate Adapt to settings of increased workload or obligations

ii. Adopt a growth mindset (i.e., learning and moving forward from mistakes, criticism, or negative experiences)


Engage in cognitive, physical, or psycho-behavioral activities, with the goal of improving one’s own knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

i. Identify strengths, deficiencies, and limits

ii. Set learning and improvement goals

iii. Ask for help when needed

iv. Commit to professional growth through life-long learning


Effectively and respectfully work with others to achieve a common goal.

i. Demonstrate appropriate flexibility and adaptability in a team setting

ii. Recognize and coordinate one’s roles and responsibilities with those of other team members

Vocational Commitment

Strive to excel in all professional responsibilities, both as a physician and in one’s specialty.

i. Lead by example

ii. Demonstrate a strong work ethic

iii. Take initiative with needed actions

iv. Put professional responsibilities above personal responsibilities when appropriate