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Table 2 Associations Between PACRE Scores and Student or Clinical Rotation Characteristics

From: Validation of a clinical rotation evaluation for physician assistant students



(N = 118)

PACRE Scoreb

P Value

Student characteristics





10 (8.5)

4.7 (0.4)



108 (91.5)

4.3 (0.6)


 Age, y

24.1 (1.8)

4.3 (0.6)


 No. of previous rotations

5.3 (3.0)

4.3 (0.6)


Clinical rotation characteristics




  General practice

30 (25.4)

4.6 (0.5)


  Medicine subspecialties e

10 (8.5)

4.5 (0.4)


  Medical specialties f

24 (20.3)

4.2 (0.6)



9 (7.6)

4.2 (0.6)



29 (24.6)

4.1 (0.5)


  Other g

16 (13.6)

4.2 (0.6)






84 (71.2)

4.3 (0.6)



34 (28.8)

4.3 (0.6)





  Tertiary center

76 (64.4)

4.3 (0.6)


  Health system

42 (35.6)

4.4 (0.6)


 Length of rotation, wk




115 (97.5)

4.3 (0.6)



3 (2.5)

4.6 (0.4)


 My program adequately prepared me for this rotation h

4.2 (0.8)

4.3 (0.6)


 This rotation prepared me for being a PA

4.4 (0.7)

4.3 (0.6)


  1. Abbreviations: PA physician assistant, PACRE physician assistant clinical rotation evaluation
  2. aValues are No. of responses (%) or mean (SD).
  3. bValues are mean (SD).
  4. cWilcoxon rank sum test (2 groups) or Kruskal-Wallace test (> 2 groups).
  5. dPearson correlation.
  6. eCardiology [9], Endocrinology [1].
  7. fDermatology [5], Emergency Medicine [7], Neurology [2], Psychiatry [10].
  8. gGeriatrics [1], Hematology/Oncology [4], Infectious Disease [4], Interventional Radiology [1], Pain Management [2], Urology [2], Vascular Medicine [1], Women’s Health [1].
  9. hPearson correlation coefficient, 0.32.
  10. i Pearson correlation coefficient, 0.57.