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Table 2 Psychological Medicine and Human Development (PMHD) lecture content and practical skills reported by Year 2 James Cook University medical students as ‘being useful’ on their 4-week rural clinical placement (data derived from open-ended question)

From: Aligning an undergraduate psychological medicine subject with the mental health needs of the local region

Lecture content

Number of students who reported this being a useful aspect of PMHD (including % of the 97 students whom responded to this question)

1) Assessing mental illness; including MSE, mini-MSE and ‘A SAD WISH’ mnemonic

49 (51%)

2) General information on mental health (‘all was relevant’)

20 (21%)

3) Depression, loss and grief

21 (22%)

4) Interviewing mental health patients; e.g., how to approach the topic, history-taking, communication, talking to family

15 (15%)

5) Anxiety

10 (10%)

6) Lifespan development in relation to youth mental health

10 (10%)

7) Personality disorders; e.g., borderline personality disorder

8 (8%)

8) Managing mental illness; e.g., intervention strategies, care plans, medications

7 (7%)

9) Suicide prevention

5 (5%)

10) Elder health; e.g., dementia

4 (4%)

11) Psychoses; e.g., schizophrenia

4 (4%)

12) PTSD

3 (3%)

Practical skills

Number of students whom reported this being a useful aspect of PMHD (including % of the 100 students whom responded to this question)

1) How to undertake a MSE or mini-MSE; including ‘A SAD WISH’ and other mnemonics for interviewing patients with depression (appetite, sleep, affect, diurnal variation, weight, interests, suicidal thinking, hopelessness)

89 (89%)

2) Interviewing skills

20 (20%)

3) How to identify patients with a mental illness

5 (5%)

4) Suicide awareness, talking about suicide, and assessing patients with suicidal thoughts

4 (4%)