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Table 1 Resource Stewardship Workshop Description

From: Communicating wisely: teaching residents to communicate effectively with patients and caregivers about unnecessary tests

The 2.5 hour workshop included 4 sections:

 1. An introductory didactic mini-lecture that focused on the rationale for resource stewardship, harms of overuse, the Choosing Wisely® campaign, and facilitators and barriers of resource stewardship. (slides available by request)

 2. A trigger video from the Choosing Wisely® Physician Communication Modules [28] that demonstrates a structured communication framework to counsel patients/caregivers when they are seeking an unnecessary test. The framework includes 4 key components: i) provide clear recommendations; ii) elicit patient beliefs and concerns; iii) provide empathy, partnership and legitimation; and iv) confirm agreement [29].

 3. A role-play exercise with peers in small group sessions to apply the framework to mock communication scenarios and receive feedback. (see supplementary files for sample OSCE scenarios and assessment tools that can be used for this exercise)

 4. A large group facilitated discussion to promote reflection and discussion about the use of the structured communication framework during the role-play and lessons learned that residents should carry forward to real-world interactions