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Table 2 Example of a case constructed with 3 items, with 3 parts for each item in script concordance test

From: Investing in the use of a checklist during differential diagnoses consideration: what’s the trade-off?

Case 1

A 45-year old man complains of chest pain and shortness of breath after a blunt trauma to the chest is brought to the emergency department.

If you were thinking of

…and then you were to find

…you would then consider this action

−2 completely or almost completely unnecessary

−1 less useful

0 neither more nor less useful

+1 useful

+2 completely or almost completely necessary

Ordering an electrocardiogram (ECG)

Lower right-sided chest tenderness on palpation






Ordering a computed tomography of the brain (CT brain)

No history of loss of consciousness






Ordering an abdominal radiograph

Soft and non-tender abdomen on palpation




