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Table 1 Catalogue of cognitive errors used in this study [45]

From: Immersive high fidelity simulation of critically ill patients to study cognitive errors: a pilot study

1. Anchoring

Tendency to fixate on a specific feature of a presentation early in the diagnostic process at the expense of understanding whole situation.

2. Confirmation Bias

Seeking or acknowledging only information that confirms the desired or suspected diagnosis. As new information is available there is a tendency to select out information which supports initial hypothesis, rather than adjusting the initial hypothesis in the light of new information against the initial hypothesis.

3. Premature Closure

Accepting a diagnosis prematurely, failure to consider reasonable differential of possibilities. There is an obvious halt to the diagnostic process targeted at differentials.

4. Search satisfying

Once a diagnosis is made, there may be a tendency to stop searching for co-existing diagnoses or causes and complications of current diagnosis.

5. Commission bias

Tendency toward action rather than inaction. Performing un-indicated manoeuvres, deviating from protocol. May be due to overconfidence, desperation, or pressure from others.

6. Omission bias

Hesitation to start emergency manoeuvres for fear of being wrong or causing harm, tendency towards inaction.

7. Overconfidence

Tendency to act on incomplete information, intuitions or hunches. Too much faith is placed in opinion instead of carefully gathered evidence. Often reluctant accept suggestions to consider alternatives.