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Table 5 Global goodness-of-fit measures in the two models tested (goodness-of-fit index with recommendations following Kriston et al. [74])

From: Perceived stress in first year medical students - associations with personal resources and emotional distress

Goodness-of-fit index with recommendations (the most strict recommendation is presented first)

1stmodel, original stress model

2nd model with direct path from personal resources to emotional distress

Discrepancy Test (χ 2 / df)

112.304/25, p < .001

98.261/24, p < .001

Standardized Root Mean Residual (SRMR)

<0.05, <0.08a

. 0595


Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA)

<.05, <.06, <.08


.098 (CI .079–.119)

Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)

≥.95, ≥.90, ≥.80



Comparative Fit Index (CFI)

≥.95, ≥.90, ≥.80



Normed χ 2

<1.0, <1.5, <2.0, <3.0, <5.0



Akaike Information Criterion

(model comparisons: smaller value is preferred)



  1. aThe multiple values indicate diverse recommendations with the strictest recommendation as the first value