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Table 1 The Characteristics of the combined creativity framework

From: Reflective practice and its role in facilitating creative responses to dilemmas within clinical communication - a qualitative analysis

4 p’s



A product is creative, when it is “new” and useful”






Problem finding: recognizing that a problem exists, finding gaps, inconsistencies, or flaws

Preparatory phase: gathering and reactivating relevant information

Divergent thinking: broad attention, or associative thinking: generating alternative ideas

Ideas churn around below the threshold of consciousness

Aha moment, insight occurs, often not one single moment

Convergent thinking: Evaluating, refining, and developing one’s idea


Willingness to overcome obstacles and perseverance, willingness to tolerate ambiguity, openness towards experiences and complexity, self-efficacy and increased motivation.

Place (creativity fostering environments)

Presence of challenge and autonomy, social interaction and support