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Table 1 Rotated Component Matrixa of four factors for HCAT (factor loadings >.40)

From: Development and psychometric testing of Holistic Clinical Assessment Tool (HCAT) for undergraduate nursing students

Domains and assessment items






1. Professional, legal and ethical nursing practice

 1) Complies with Singapore Nursing Board (SNB) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, Standards of Practice for nurses and midwives





 2) Practises with reference to institutional/national legislation, policies and procedural guidelines





 3) Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for care within scope of practice and level of competence





 4) Complies with professional expectations





 5) Works with Registered Nurse (RN) to apply SNB Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for ethical decision making





 6) Works with RN to discuss care provision with the client and family within a reasonable time frame





 7) Seeks permission from the client in the delivery of care





 8) Respects the values of individuals





 9) Respects the cultural practices of individuals





 10) Respects the individual’s religious beliefs and practices, as well as their spirituality needs





 13) Shows caring attributes towards clients and families





2. Management of care

 11) Communicates effectively and timely using appropriate verbal skills with clients and families





 12) Communicates effectively using appropriate non-verbal skills with clients and families





 14) Performs comprehensive and systematic assessment





 15) Formulates plans of care with the healthcare team, client and families





 16) Implements the holistic plan of care safely and timely





 17) Evaluates and modifies plan of care with appropriate documentation





 18) Applies critical thinking skills and makes appropriate clinical decisions





 22) Conducts educational needs assessment





 23) Empowers aspects of care to clients, families and carers





 24) Provides information using available resources





3. Leadership & nursing management

 25) Demonstrates collaborative practice with healthcare professionals





 26) Establishes rapport and interacts with team members in a supportive manner





 27) Demonstrates effective delegation to team members





 28) Follows up on the work delegated





 29) Utilises materials efficiently and minimises wastage





 30) Works with RN to make efficient use of manpower resources





 31) Manages time in an effective manner





 21) Provides a safe care environment for clients





 32) Demonstrates knowledge of occupational health and safety policies and procedures





 33) Prioritises the tasks based on the urgency of the clinical situation





 34) Manages workloads effectively by seeking help when necessary





4. Professional development

 35) Reflects on own nursing practice





 36) Responds positively to constructive feedback





 37) Takes steps to address areas of improvement in skills and knowledge





 38) Demonstrates basic knowledge on evidence-based practice





  1. Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalisationa
  2. a. Rotation converged in seven iterations