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Table 2 Procedural steps correctly performed in pre-test and post-test observation

From: Lumbar puncture simulation in pediatric residency training: improving procedural competence and decreasing anxiety

Procedural stepsa



1. Consent obtained

37.5 %

68.8 %

2. Washed hands

87.5 %

87.5 %

3. Calls “time out”

0 %

31.3 %

4. Positions patient

81.3 %

100 %

5. Anatomical location

81.3 %

87.5 %

6. Sterile gloves on

93.8 %

93.8 %

7. Equipment set up

37.5 %

75 %

8. Clean skin

93.8 %

93.8 %

9. Drape patient

75 %

93.8 %

10. Lidocaine drawn up

6.3 %

87.5 %

11. Lidocaine injected

6.3 %

87.5 %

12. Needle orientation

75 %

87.5 %

13. Needle bevel correct

18.8 %

75 %

14. Needle slowly advanced

68.8 %

87.5 %

15. Opening pressure

37.5 %

62.5 %

16. Obtains and collects fluid

68.8 %

75 %

17. Re-inserts stylet at end

62.5 %

75 %

18. Dressing applied

86.7 %

100 %

19. Post-op orders written

18.8 %

31.3 %

20. Correct labs ordered

75 %

81.3 %

21. Sterile technique maintained

87.5 %

68.8 %

Overall average:

58 %

80 %

  1. Procedural steps taken (i.e. % of Pediatric Residents (N = 16) correctly performing maneuver) on 21-item score on pre-test and post-test observation. aThis checklist of procedural steps has been previously by Barsuk et al. [6]