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Table 4 Independent “yes-no” questions asking about attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS

From: A latent trait approach to measuring HIV/AIDS related stigma in healthcare professionals: application of mokken scaling technique

Question Nr.




Would you use the eating utensils of a person with HIV/AIDS?

HIV/AIDS stigma


Would you continue to use the services of a dentist if you learned that s/he provides dental care for patients with HIV/AIDS in her/his practice?

HIV/AIDS stigma


Would you sit on a toilet that has been used by a person who you learn has HIV/AIDS?

HIV/AIDS stigma


Would you eat in a restaurant with kitchen staff who you know have HIV/AIDS?

HIV/AIDS stigma


Would you be concerned if you had to have a blood test in a laboratory that provides services to a lot of people with HIV/AIDS?

HIV/AIDS stigma


Should a mother who has HIV/AIDS avoid physical contact with her child?

HIV/AIDS stigma