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Table 2 Patient satisfaction survey

From: Medical student use of communication elements and association with patient satisfaction: a prospective observational pilot study

A. Does your interaction with the medical student make you more likely to choose this emergency department in the future? Y N

B. Does your interaction with the medical student make you more likely to refer a friend or loved one to this emergency department? Y N

C. How would you rate the student’s overall communication skills?

 Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent

D. How well did the medical student do in the following areas:a

 Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent

1. Greeted me in a way that made me feel comfortable

2. Treated me with respect

3. Showed interest in my ideas about my health

4. Understood my main health concerns

5. Paid attention to me

6. Let me talk without interruptions

7. Gave me as much information as I wanted

8. Talked in terms I could understand

9. Checked to be sure I understood everything

10. Encouraged me to ask questions

11. Involved me in decisions as much as I wanted

12. Discussed next steps, including any follow-up plans

13. Showed care and concern

14. Spent the right amount of time with me

  1. aModified from Mercer et al. Patient perspectives on communication with the medical team: Pilot study using the Communication Assessment Tool-Team (CAT-T). Patient Education and Counseling, 73(2), 220–223