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Table 1 Procedure during a Forum Play workshop

From: Silence, shame and abuse in health care: theoretical development on basis of an intervention project among staff

• Information about FP and the workshop

• All participants recollect episodes of AHC which they have heard of or been involved in

• The episodes are narrated to the rest of the group

• The group chooses 2–3 episodes to work with

• Subgroups create short role plays, which are shown to the rest of the group to demonstrate the moral dilemma1 and who is facing it2

• Spectators are encouraged to intervene as soon as they have an idea about an alternative way of acting and then try that out in the role play

• In these trials, body language is particularly in focus

• Actors in the role play and then spectators give feedback on the effects of the new alternative

• The procedure is repeated until the group feels that among all played alternatives was at least one they could have chosen themselves had they been in the illustrated moral dilemma1

• Discussion about what happened during the workshop

  1. 1“Moral dilemma” in this context means that the person facing the dilemma saw no ethically acceptable way out of a situation in which she/he perceived that a patient was being maltreated
  2. 2In our intervention with staff, the focus was on replacing the person facing the moral dilemma; who usually was a bystander staff member