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Table 1 Students’ perceptions on learning medication care, self-confidence and learning style

From: Factors associated with nursing students’ medication competence at the beginning and end of their education


2nd semester (n = 328) Mean (SD)

7th semester (n = 338) Mean (SD)

Difference between the groups (p-value)

A) Learning medication care (Scale 1–5, strongly disagree–strongly agree)


Perceives mathematics easy

3.33 (1.15)



Perceives medication calculations easy

3.49 (1.03)

3.55 (0.97)


Perceives pharmacology easy

2.76 (0.85)

2.69 (0.83)


Satisfied with current amount of medication education

2.88 (1.03)

2.44 (1.07)


Good motivation for studying medication care

4.06 (0.76)

3.98 (0.80)


B) Active participation in studying topics of medication care (Sum-score on a scale of 1–5, strongly disagree–strongly agree)

3.71 (0.61)

3.81 (0.68)


C) Self-confidence in medication management (Sum-score with scale 1–5 strongly disagree-strongly agree)

3.43 (0.55)

3.66 (0.60)


D) Learning style (ILS) (Sum-scores on a scale of 1–5: Never–always)


Self-regulation 1)

2.37 (0.78)

2.28 (0.81)


External regulation 2)

3.41 (0.59)

3.18 (0.61)


Lack of regulation 3)

2.09 (0.66)

2.02 (0.77)


  1. ns no statistical difference, SD Standard deviation, Statistical test: Mann–Whitney U-test,1) The higher the score, the better the students’ ability in self-regulating learning, 2) the higher the score, the more external regulation in learning, 3) the lower the score, the less the student has lack of regulation in learning