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Table 4 Acceptability of the educational session

From: Development and process evaluation of an educational intervention for overdose prevention and naloxone distribution by general practice trainees

How did you find each aspect of the session?


What was good about it?

How can it be improved?


- Clear 4/15a

- Informative 7/15

- Concise 8/15

- Less rushed, more interactive 2/3

- Stimulating questions 1/3


- Visual 3/11

- Practical or demonstrative 5/11

- Clear 2/11

- Audio 6/7

- More time 1/7


- Hands on experience of usage 13/18

- Informative 2/18

- Demonstrated ease of use, increased confidence 3/18

- More time 2/6

- Practice 1/6

- Facilitators 1/6

- Sound 1/6

Q & A discussion

- Opportunity to ask questions 4/6

- Collaborative 1/6

- Good/clear 2/6

- No major questions asked 2/5

- More time 1/5

- Naloxone for lay people and access for GPs 1/5

Would any other educational interventions/activities help trainees?

• Booster sessions 1/9

• More simulations/real life situations 3/9

• More samples, syringes, differences between IN and exact-dose-dispenser 4/9

Suggestions for improvement:

• Booster sessions 3/8

• More time 2/8

• Scenarios 1/8

• Very/good 2/8

  1. aFractions indicate how many trainees reported about the particular item out of the total number of trainees who responded to the question