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Table 1 Barr’s adaptation of Kirkpatrick’s four level evaluation model

From: Factors influencing the effectiveness of multisource feedback in improving the professional practice of medical doctors: a systematic review



Level 1: Le arners’ reaction

Relate to participants’ views of their learning experience and satisfaction with the programme.

Level 2: Learning outcomes

      Level 2a: Modification of attitudes/ perceptions

Changes in reciprocal attitudes or perceptions between participant groups, towards patients/clients and their condition, circumstances, care and treatment.

      Level 2b : Acquisition of knowledge /skills

Acquisition of concepts, procedures and principles of interprofessional collaboration or the acquisition of thinking/problem-solving, psychomotor and social skills linked to collaboration

Level 3: Change in behaviour

Behavioural change transferred from the learning environment to the workplace prompted by modifications in attitudes or perceptions, or the application of newly acquired knowledge/skills in practice. Overeem et al. (2010) identify that this level can be further separated into:

      Level 3a: Self reported change in behaviour

      Level 3b : Measured change in performance

Level 4 : Patient /Organisational outcomes

      Level 4a : Change in organisational practice

This relates to wider changes in the organisation/delivery of care, attributable to an education programme.

      Level 4b : Benefits to patients/ clients

Covers any improvements in the health and well being of patients/clients as a direct result of an education programme.