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Table 2 Activities held in nutrition awareness weeks in Hospital A, B and C

From: Nutrition education and leadership for improved clinical outcomes: training and supporting junior doctors to run ‘Nutrition Awareness Weeks’ in three NHS hospitals across England

Nutrition Awareness Weeks Event

Hospital A

Hospital B

Hospital C

‘MUST’ Audit

50 patients audited regarding use of ‘MUST’

Audit conducted on ‘MUST’ use in 4 wards (results not available before publication)

70 medical patients audited regarding use of ‘MUST’

Training for Junior Doctors

1 hour junior doctor-led training session presented to 16 junior doctors by nutrition champion, junior doctor team and dietitians, held after mandatory training session

Case study and teaching session presented by dietetics team and other involved in hospital nutrition

2 hour junior doctor-led training session presented to 15 junior doctors by nutrition champion, and dietitians


Presented data from emailed medical staff e-survey to junior doctors*


Nutrition Awareness Stall

Stall created by junior doctor team with assistance from dietetics team

Stall created by junior doctor team with assistance from dietetics team

Stall created by junior doctor team with assistance from dietetics team

Set up beside the main canteen and manned by a rotation of junior doctors, dietitians and NELICO coordinators for 3 days

Manned by junior doctors for 2–3 hours at lunch near the canteen on 2 days

Unmanned stall for 5 days in front of hospital canteen

Food and supplement samples available to try

Pens and key-chains were distributed


Supplement samples on display


Staff Survey (collected at NAW stall)

Collected from 60 staff, volunteers, visitors etc., at the stall – results analysed

Survey completed by 31 staff (17 doctors, 11 nurses and 3 other) – results analysed

Staff survey completed by 4 junior doctors – results not analysed

Doctors Survey

Survey sent by local NELICO team and completed by 11 junior doctors

Survey sent by local NELICO team and completed by 25 doctors and 10 nurses*

Survey sent by junior doctors and completed by 46 staff (including 19 consultants)

Meetings: Coordinators and key hospital staff

Hospital staff involved in nutrition, dietetics, nursing and catering

Hospital staff involved in nutrition, dietetics and nursing

Hospital staff involved in nutrition, dietetics and nursing





Advert on hospital TV

Pens and key chains distributed from NAW stall

Training and NAW Stall announced at Grand Round

E-mails to all FY1 and FY2 doctors regarding the teaching and NAW stall

  1. *Results of Hospital B staff e-survey were shared only with staff who attended training and were not available for this report.