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Table 6 Reactions to poor results

From: Qualitative study about the ways teachers react to feedback from resident evaluations

Criticize the items:

I was not involved in developing this questionnaires and I think these could contain other items (1227 BS, 2 year’s experience, below average results)


Well, these results could reflect that fact that residents feel dependent. They could be afraid that we will reward them with poor grades. (32119 GP, 3 year’s experience, below average results


I am a role model in the way I ask questions, because I want the residents to ask good questions. I assume that the residents do not notice my intentions, because what I see in these results does not in any way reflect what I think to be important. (12212 BS, ≥ 11 year’s experience, below average results)


These results confront me with the knowledge that I did not do my very best fort his group. If I look inside and if I’m honest, I know. (3221 BS, ≥ 11 year’s experience, below average results)