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Table 7 Students’ descriptive responses regarding the MBC

From: The use of microblog-based case studies in a pharmacotherapy introduction class in China

Open-ended questions

No of responses

What did you like BEST about the MBC?


Facilitates interaction: “I can learn from other students’ comments…It’s easy to communicate and discuss with other students.”


Allows students to communicate in an easy way: “Team members don’t have to get together to discuss, it’s efficient and convenient…It’s easy to check online information with a simple click.”


Facilitates study: “Using the microblog made me more interested in the cases…It’s a fun assignment with clear expectations.”


Allows students to express their opinions in an easy way: “I feel more comfortable in expressing my ideas…”


Facilitates team work: “It made us work more efficiently as a team.”


The activity was convenient: “I can work on the case anywhere, anytime with my mobile devices…”


What did you like LEAST about the MBC?


The quality of interaction was low: “I prefer face-to-face communication, which is passionate… The interaction is not in real-time, responses are often delayed.”


The activity was inconvenient / overwhelming: “Using the microblog was difficult and time consuming…I have to sign in to an account for the assignment.”


The quality of messages was low: “Some comments were repetitions of other students…”, “Some opinions were wrong and misleading…”


The activity was distracting: “I tended to check other messages I followed rather than the case assignment.”


It was difficult to follow the stream of comments: “There were over 50 reply comments on some cases; it was hard to check every comment on each page…”