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Table 1 Main aspects arising during discussions (sorted by category); see text for details

From: Student perceptions of evaluation in undergraduate medical education: A qualitative study from one medical school

Indicators of high quality teaching

Perceptions of evaluation

Evaluation tools

and data collection

Consequences of evaluation


·alignment of teaching to student level

·prioritisation of important aspects

·no inadequate redundancy

·coverage of most relevant content in examinations


·improve teaching processes and their outcome

·provide individual feedback to teachers

·assess whether learning objectives have been met

Evaluation targets

·learning outcome

·procedural and structural aspects of teaching (time-tables, facilities etc.)

·adequacy of examinations

·individual teacher performance

Publication of results

·free access to all faculty

·course rankings

·protection of individual data

·discussion of delicate data in ‘evaluation committees’


·preponderance of interactive teaching formats

·free access to teaching materials

·frequent teacher feedback on student performance

Barriers against participation

·too frequent evaluations

·lack of feedback

·lack of time specifically dedicated to evaluation

Preferred format

·open (vs. scaled) questions

·no more than 15 items

·online (vs. paper and pencil)

·voluntary participation

Rewards for positive results

·monetary rewards

·extra time off

Teacher characteristics

·subject knowledge

·clinical experience

·good preparation



·individual definitions of “good” teaching

·student motivation

·positive attitude/motivation

·halo effects

Preferred time-point

·after end-of-course examinations

·‘continuous’ evaluation (online platform)

Consequences of negative results

·compulsory teacher training

·exemption from teaching activities

Learning outcome

·not restricted to specific subjects

·preparation for life-long learning


Feedback loop

·disclosure of actions taken in response to evaluation results