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Table 2 Post-program comments from mentored participants

From: The positive impact of a facilitated peer mentoring program on academic skills of women faculty



"Working with colleagues toward goals seems very intellectually and professionally satisfying."

"...I think the time frame was too short given data collection obstacles."

"2 more publications"

"Difficult to find time to meet which makes sharing the load challenging."

"Having a caring, motivating and brilliant mentor has been the best part of this program for me."

"Personally, I think that it is better to try to have true shared interests and directions with peer mentors."

"Helped develop skills in research leading to publication; allowed networking within department."

".... hard to get everyone together, hard to find topics"

"I have more confidence about writing a paper and using available resources to do so."

"Our group had too many diverse interests which made it difficult to gain momentum on any particular writing topic..."

"Promotes collegiality, promotes completion of projects by ensuring accountability/providing motivation...."

"...I would try to encourage some type of protected time (if available)."

"Motivates you to accomplish other goals... projects, academic appt. etc."


"I'd recommend it. It helps foster the team-spirit and a long-term relationship if the mentor and mentee find it a good fit."


"Potential for success! Relationship building..."


"Especially for those new to the institution... allows introduction to broad scope of resources available here and networking"


"Excellent mentoring accountability to peer & mentors. I liked the women-only focus."