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Table 1 Major outcomes for the pharmacokinetics course

From: The importance of active learning and practice on the students' mastery of pharmacokinetic calculations for the intermittent intravenous infusion dosing of antibiotics


Evaluate the primary and secondary drug information literature with regard to the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs.


Evaluate the basic pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic properties of a drug and relate them to the manner in which the drug is used therapeutically.


Estimate patient-specific kinetic parameters for any drug and route of administration from a limited number of biological samples.


Design dosage regimens based on the patient-specific or population (average) pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic data.


Predict the effects of route and/or method of drug administration on the plasma concentration-time profiles using the individual or population (average) kinetic data and judge the appropriateness of dosage form and route of administration.


Predict the effects of changes in the physiological parameters (due to drug interactions, disease states, or special populations) on the pharmacokinetics and plasma concentration-time profile of drugs, and recommend a dosage regimen based on the altered parameters.