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Table 2 Perspective on behaviors based on the Pritzker list (used with permission, adapted)

From: Wanted: role models - medical students’ perceptions of professionalism

Q: Are these behaviors unprofessional for a medical student?



Repetitive late arrival to class

192 (75%)

63 (25%)

Checking email, sports, MSN, or news on laptop during lecture

97 (38%)

158 (62%)

Taking food from talks that you are not attending

185 (73%)

70 (27%)

Signing another student in for a required class

230 (90%)

25 (10%)

Leaving lecture before its conclusion

75 (29%)

180 (71%)

Leave class if the lecturer's quality is lower than expected

110 (43%)

145 (57%)

Switch sessions from an assigned room to another room

114 (45%)

141 (55%)

Skip a class or lab in which attendance is required

205 (80%)

50 (20%)

Skip a class or lab in which attendance is not required

37 (15%)

218 (85%)

Inebriation at school events

194 (76%)

61 (24%)

Skipping required school events (e.g. orientation, retreat).

164 (64%)

91 (36%)

Combining PBL 2 with PBL 1 of the next week

16 (6%)

239 (94%)

Discuss issues relating to religion or politics on the Listserv

111 (44%)

144 (56%)

Give review sessions geared toward exam questions which the Prof. has shared at special reviews

35 (14%)

220 (86%)

Using a colleague's power point presentation to give during a clerkship teaching session

132 (52%)

123 (48%)

Leaving a written sign-out for a colleague taking over on call instead of waiting to present verbally

195 (76%)

60 (24%)

Not filling out the student questionnaire

48 (19%)

207 (81%)