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Table 1 Reflective Rubric

From: An appraisal of students' awareness of "self-reflection" in a first-year pathology course of undergraduate medical/dental education


The student identifies:

Level 5

Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1


Significant events from course that led to reflection

Skillfully details precise accounts of important events

Several events are accurately logged in detail

Attempts to outline in some detail one activity

Generally describes the entire scope of the class without specific detail

Does not select and summarize activities that have transpired


Information/Skills acquired from course

Demonstrates in depth understanding of skills

Demonstrates a thoughtful awareness of skills

Demonstrates a rudimentary awareness of some skills practiced

Demonstrates a limited awareness of few skills/strategies practiced throughout the year

Demonstrates little to no awareness of skills targeted


Personal abilities

Demonstrates ability to list all strengths and weaknesses and provide a plan for amelioration

Demonstrates ability to list some strengths and weaknesses

Demonstrates ability to list at least one strength and one weakness

Demonstrates ability to recognize personal strengths but not weakness

Does not demonstrate ability to see personal strengths or weaknesses


Personal learning style

A concise recognition of learning requirements and ways to facilitate future learning is identified

Recognizes a preferred learning style and compares it to teaching style employed in class

Recognizes preferred learning style

Indicates a preference of one activity from class over another

No evidence of recognition is made


Connections between the course and past life experiences

Connections are explored in great precision and detail

Connections are made and casually discussed

Connections are recognized but are ineffective

Limited connections to nonspecific, theoretical aspects of life are discussed

No evidence of connections are made


Oneself in relation to the situation (emotions, values, beliefs, etc.)

Writing reveals a well-developed emotional and personalized relationship to the specific context, enhanced with specific examples

Writing reveals a strong connection between the event and the writer accompanied by few general reflections

Both general and personal insight are present, further exploration is required

Generalizations used to explore topics of discussion with 1-2 references to self

Employs no 'self' into writing; uses only obvious statements without contextual references


Future applications in a broadened spectrum

Explicit details of precise aspects of course load and relates them to specific anticipatory future events

Recognition of few precise important facets of course load expanded to broad future goals

Generalized discussion of possible future implications is discussed is some detail

Future applications of an aspect of the course are mentioned in passing without detail

No future applications of class materials are discussed