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Table 1 The new competency profile of the teacher in postgraduate education for family physicians

From: Teachers' ideas versus experts' descriptions of 'the good teacher' in postgraduate medical education: implications for implementation. A qualitative study


Competencies and teaching behaviours

Dimension 0: Role as an expert

The teacher acts in accordance with the competencies defined by the profession


The teacher is a role model for the various competencies of a family physician


- Serves as a role model for professional competencies.

- Articulates and explains the motives for his/her actions.


Teachers are role models in curriculum units related to their particular specialty (family physician or behavioural scientist)


The teacher models the behaviour and competencies of a professional practitioner

- Articulates and explains the motives for his/her actions

- Models the behaviour and competencies of his/her specialty as a behavioural scientist

- Explains the actions of a specialist.

Dimension 1: Role as an educator of adults

The teacher achieves and maintains a constructive learning climate to help trainees develop their professional competencies.


The teacher creates and maintains a constructive learning climate in which trainees can develop into self-directed and competent professionals.


- Stimulates respectful interpersonal behaviour.

- Stimulates trainees to make use of one another's experiences and competencies.

- Monitors the interaction between individual learning processes and group processes.


The teacher builds a constructive relationship with individual trainees.


- Creates a safe environment in which trainees are stimulated to discuss intellectually and emotionally challenging situations.

- Challenges trainees to engage in dialogue.


The teacher is able to deal with diversity in an appropriate way.


- Is sensitive to trainees' cultural, social and ethnic backgrounds.

- Uses differences between trainees as learning opportunities.

Dimension 2: Role as a teacher

The teacher creates and maintains a powerful learning environment


Provides a balanced and challenging programme.


- Develops a series of learning activities in alignment with both the curriculum and professional practice.

- Stimulates learning processes and applies appropriate educational methods.

- Shows flexibility in using different levels of guidance in supporting the learning process.

- Monitors and evaluates trainees' learning processes and outcomes.


Coaches trainees to become self directed in pursuing their learning goals.


- Supports trainees in formulating an individual learning plan.

- Supports trainees in formulating learning goals and strategies to achieve them.

- Identifies ineffective learning strategies and explains why they are ineffective.

- Challenges trainees to move outside their comfort zone and discusses the feasibility of trainees' plans.

- Stimulates and monitors trainees in taking responsibility for their own learning.


Evaluates results and discusses the consequences in relation to trainees' progress.


- Evaluates the quality of the portfolio.

- Provides objective and concrete feedback on learning results.

- Evaluates and documents the progress of trainees' learning.

- Advises the head of the department about trainees' progress.

- Takes measures to ensure the continuity of trainees' learning trajectories.


Develops materials for education and assessment appropriate for a competency-based curriculum.


- Designs programmes, assignments and assessments in accordance with current educational principles.

- Writes texts that are fit for purpose and tailored to the target group.

- Ensures that documents are uniform with regard to structure and lay-out.

- Discusses development processes with all stakeholders.

- Adjusts programmes, assignments and assessments based on the results of systematic evaluation.

Dimension 3: Collaboration

The teacher promotes the realization and optimization of the training programme by consulting with all those involved.


The teacher uses collaborative skills in a purposeful way...


- Collaborates with other teachers and colleagues to ensure clarity and agreement with regard to content and execution of tasks and responsibilities.

- Makes a constructive contribution as a member of groups with different goals and memberships.

- Identifies problems and supports trainees in learning how to solve (threatening) conflicts.

- Takes responsibility for the consistency and continuity of the education programme.


The teacher coordinates his/her actions with all those involved in supporting trainees.


- Takes responsibility for the work done by the triangle teacher-trainee-supervisor.

- Is able to stimulate other supervisors and teachers to contribute effectively to the education of trainees.

- Provides information about trainees' performance effectively and confidentially.

Dimension 4: Organization

The teacher's actions are directed at effective management of time, information, means and people.


The teacher organizes information transmission, means and materials to ensure efficient delivery of the education programme.


- Ensures timely availability of materials and equipment for education.

- Ensures that up to date information is provided in an effective way.


The teacher acts in accordance with the relevant regulations and guidelines of the department.


- Acts in accordance with the relevant regulations designed by the board of governors.

- Acts in accordance with the legal framework for training programmes for family physicians

- Acts in accordance with the guidelines of the department.

Dimension 5: Professionalism

The teacher maintains and develops his/her competencies as a teacher.


The teacher demonstrates his/her personal involvement in education.


- The teacher's behaviour inspires trainees to learn.

- Clearly enjoys working with trainees.

- Acts as an ambassador of the department.


The teacher engages in improving his/her professional performance in a systematic and purposeful way.


- Is prepared to discuss his or her personal and professional performance and proposes improvements based on feedback received.

- Regularly identifies personal development needs based on self reflection.

- Participates in discussions and in the development of new insights in relation to the professional field of education.

- Uses scientific insights and 'best practices' to direct his or her work in education.


The teacher monitors the balance between involvement and distance.


- Is able to make an adequate distinction between work-related and personal aspects in the work environment.


The teacher applies the various roles in a flexible way.


- Uses appropriate roles in different contexts.


The teacher acts in accordance with the rules of ethical behaviour and social relations.


- Shows integrity and is scrupulous in using his or her influence on individual trainees and groups of trainees.