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Table 2 Emerging Themes from the Survey

From: Exploring the experiences and coping strategies of international medical students

Cultural Adaptation

Factors that aided adaptation

Senior international medical students, Church and pastoral care, Support from international students office and academic staff, other international students in the class

Factors that hindered adaptation

Different lifestyle, English as a second language, Different learning styles, Communication problem, Lack of understanding of the Australian medical health care system, Different foods

Language Issues

Language problems

Not used to Australian slangs, Accent problems, limited written, and verbal communication skills

Communication skills

Some were satisfied with their level of communication, others indicated that there is room for improvement

Academic Adjustment

Quality of course

Satisfied, rated on the average as 7.5 on a scale of 10 points

Most stressful areas

Assessment, Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs), high expectations

Most helpful areas

Peers, clinical attachments, ward rounds, lectures, seniors, bed-side clinical tutorials

Assessment related issues

Reflective pieces, oral presentations and OSCEs are stressful, communication constraints

Personal & Support Concerns


Difficulty with Australian culture, cultural shock, rated on the average as 6 on a scale of 10 points

Coping resources

Family, friends, peers, seniors, lecturers, church family, holidays, internet access, resilience

Role of academic staff

Supportive, approachable, aided better adjustment. However no formal program for adjustment support