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Table 2 Standardised maximum likelihood estimates of the factor loadings for the 11 items included in the factor "Team Player" and items not included in this item group

From: Are female students in general and nursing students more ready for teamwork and interprofessional collaboration in healthcare?

Factor 1. "Team player":

Factor loading

- Shared learning with other healthcare students will increase my ability to understand clinical problems (Q3).


- Shared learning will help me to think positively about other professionals (Q6).


- Shared learning with other healthcare students will help me to communicate better with patients and other professionals (Q13).


- Shared learning before qualification will help me become a better team worker (Q16)


- Shared learning will help to clarify the nature of patient problems (Q15).


- Learning with healthcare students before qualification would improve relationships after qualification (Q4).


- I would welcome the opportunity to work on small-group projects with other health- care students (Q14).


- Communication skills should be learned with other healthcare students (Q5).


- Shared learning will help me to understand my own limitations (Q9).


- Learning with other students will help me become a more effective member of a healthcare team (Q1).


- Patients would ultimately benefit if healthcare students worked together to solve patients' problems (Q2).


  1. Items not included in the "Team Player" item group:
  2. Q7. For small-group learning to work, students need to trust and respect each other.
  3. Q8. Team-working skills are essential for all health care students to learn.
  4. Q10. I don't want to waste my time learning with other health care students.
  5. Q11. It is not necessary for undergraduate health care students to learn together.
  6. Q12. Clinical problem-solving skills can only be learned from my own department.
  7. Q17. The function of nurses and therapists is mainly to provide support for doctors.
  8. Q18. I'm not sure what my professional role will be.
  9. Q19. I have to acquire much more knowledge and skills than other health care students.